Olumlu Şekli (going to)
Özne+am/is/are+going to +fiil
I am going to buy a toy next week.
I am going to play tennis tomorrow.
Olumlu Şekli (will)
I will take an aspirin.
He will lock the door before leaving.
Olumsuz Şekli(going to)
Özne+am/is/are+not+going to+fiil
I am not going to learn Japanese next year.
He isn't going to ask question.
Olumsuz Şekli(will)
I won't call you again.
They won't come to Turkey this year, they haven't got enough money.
Soru Şekli(going to)
Am/is/are+özne+going to+fiil
Are you going to play basketball this year?
Is the teacher going to give a test next lesson?
Soru Şekli(wiil)
"will" Başa gelir.
Will Can buy a jacket for him?
Will the teacher leave as soon?